Aqua Pioneer Technology

shrimps aquaculture
AQUACULTURE is Perfect for

Introducing Land-based Aquafarming

Tank-based systems provide a controlled and closed environment, reducing the risk of disease outbreaks and minimizing the exposure of shrimp to pathogens. This leads to better overall health and reduced reliance on antibiotics and chemicals.

aquaculture shrimps

Aquaculture, or Aquafarming, can be a profitable business in the Philippines for several reasons:

The Philippines offers a variety of options for aquaculture, including vannamei shrimp.

Seafood is a significant part of the Filipino diet, and there is a growing demand for high-quality, locally produced seafood. Aquaculture can help meet this demand and reduce the country’s reliance on imported seafood.

Aquafarming vannamei shrimp in land-based (Tanks) or recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)

Offers several distinct advantages compared to traditional pond culture or open-water farming. Some of the key advantages of land-based or tank farming for vannamei shrimp include:


Land-based tanks provide a controlled and enclosed environment, reducing the risk of diseases and pathogens from external sources, which is a significant concern in open-water systems.

Disease Management

The closed and controlled nature of tank systems allows for more effective disease prevention and management, leading to healthier shrimp populations and potentially lower treatment costs.

Water Quality Control

RAS systems enable precise control of water quality parameters such as temperature, oxygen levels, pH, and ammonia, ensuring optimal conditions for shrimp growth and reducing stress-related issues.

Reduced Water Usage

Tank systems recycle and treat water, minimizing the need for large volumes of water and wastewater discharge. This can be particularly advantageous in regions with water scarcity or strict environmental regulations.

shrimp seafood
vannamei shrimps

Environmental Sustainability

Land-based tank systems are generally considered more environmentally friendly due to reduced water usage, minimal habitat disturbance, and better waste management.

Consistent Production

Tank-based farming allows for year-round production, irrespective of seasonal variations or climate conditions, providing a more stable and predictable shrimp supply.

High Density Farming

RAS systems can support higher stocking densities, maximizing production in a smaller footprint, which can be especially beneficial for limited land availability.

Improved Feed Conversion

With controlled feeding and water quality, feed conversion ratios can be optimized, resulting in efficient resource utilization and lower production costs.

Reduced Escape Risk

Shrimp are contained within tanks, reducing the risk of escapes into natural water bodies, which can have ecological consequences.

Traceability and Quality Assurance

Land-based systems offer enhanced traceability and quality control, which can be attractive to consumers who are increasingly concerned about the source and sustainability of their seafood.

Minimal Dependence on Location

Land-based systems are not restricted by proximity to coastal areas, making them suitable for inland locations, reducing transportation costs, and increasing market accessibility.

Research and Innovation

Tank farming encourages research and innovation in shrimp aquaculture, leading to the development of improved technologies and practices.

2017 to 2028 - Shrimp Market Analysis

According to source Fortune Business Insights


Why Vannamei Shrimp, also known as whiteleg shimp?

According to source Fortune Business Insights

The white segment dominates the market owing to its wide acceptance and favoritism in almost all regions. Also, it contains a high amount of proteins and vitamins that make it a great source of alternative proteins.

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Return of Investment Table (ROI)

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Why Land-Based Aquaculture?

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Recommended: Land-based (TANK)

Location and Water Source:

  • Land-based aquaculture refers to farming aquatic species in controlled environments on land. It is not dependent on natural bodies of water and relies on water sources that can be controlled, such as tanks, or recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). This method is highly suitable for locations with limited access to natural water bodies.

Land-Based Aquaculture:

  • Land-based systems provide flexibility for a wide range of aquatic species, both freshwater and marine. It allows for the cultivation of species that may not naturally inhabit the local environment.


Land-Based Aquaculture:

  • Water quality in land-based systems is closely monitored and controlled. Parameters like temperature, oxygen levels, and waste management can be adjusted to optimize growth and minimize disease risks.


Land-Based Aquaculture:

  • The environmental impact is localized and can be managed through wastewater treatment and control. Land-based systems have the potential to reduce the impact on natural ecosystems.


Land-Based Aquaculture:

  • Disease management is more controllable in land-based systems due to closed environments, reducing the risk of disease transmission.
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Fresh Water

  • Freshwater aquaculture involves cultivating aquatic species in freshwater environments such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and freshwater reservoirs. The water used is typically free of salt or has low salinity levels.
  • Is primarily focused on species adapted to freshwater conditions. Common species include freshwater fish like tilapia, catfish, and carp.
  • Freshwater quality varies depending on the source and may need occasional water exchange to maintain suitable conditions. Ponds or raceways are subject to natural fluctuations.
  • Impacts on local freshwater ecosystems can occur due to water use, effluent discharge, and habitat modification.
  • Disease management practices can vary, and prevention often relies on good management practices and regular monitoring.
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Salt water

  • Saltwater aquaculture takes place in marine environments like coastal areas or the open ocean.
  • These environments have a high salinity level, which requires specific species adapted to saltwater conditions.
  • Water quality control in marine aquaculture can be challenging due to the dynamic nature of the marine environment.
  • Marine aquaculture can impact coastal and marine ecosystems, including issues like escapes, effluent discharge, and habitat alteration.
  • Disease management in marine aquaculture can be challenging due to the dynamic nature of the marine environment.

Are you Interested Now?

Why Aqua Pioneer Technology?

Aqua Pioneer Technology as your partner for starting shrimp aquafarming can offer several advantages for your venture. Here are some reasons why you might consider this company:

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Expertise in Aquaculture:

Aqua Pioneer Technology specializes in shrimp aquafarming, which means we have a deep understanding of the specific requirements and challenges associated with shrimp production.

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Proven Track Record:

Aqua Pioneer Technology has a successful history of shrimp aquaculture, it demonstrates our ability to produce high-quality shrimp and manage a sustainable operation.

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Technical Support:

Aqua Pioneer Technology can provide technical expertise to help you set up and maintain your shrimp farming system.

Our knowledge can assist in addressing issues related to water quality, disease management, and feeding practices.

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Efficient Farm Design:

Aqua Pioneer Technology can assist in designing and setting up an efficient shrimp farm with the right infrastructure and equipment.

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Research and Innovation:

Aqua Pioneer Technology often engage in research and development to improve shrimp farming practices, which can lead to increased efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

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Compliance and Regulation:

Our experience in shrimp farming can assist you in navigating the regulatory landscape, ensuring that you meet all necessary permits and compliance standards.

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Risk Mitigation:

By partnering with an experienced company like Aqua Pioneer Technology, you can reduce the risks associated with shrimp farming, including disease outbreaks and production challenges.

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Training and Education:

Aqua Pioneer Technology offers training and educational resources to ensure your team has the knowledge and skills required for successful shrimp farming.


Aqua Pioneer Technology (APT) is a well-known company that specializes in the design and construction of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS). Building an APT system typically involves working with our specific technology and components. We can offer a general step-by-step guide to give you an idea of the process involved:

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Initial Consultation with APT

1.Contact Aqua Pioneer Technology for a consultation. Discuss your goals, the species you want to raise, the scale of your operation, and your budget.
2.Work with APT to customize a design that suits your specific needs, considering factors like available space, water quality, and environmental regulations.

Design and Planning

1.Collaborate with APT on the detailed design of your RAS facility. This includes layout, equipment selection, and specifications for tanks, filters, and control systems.
2.Ensure that the design meets the requirements of the chosen fish species and optimizes water and energy efficiency.

Site Preparation

Prepare the chosen location for your RAS facility, including leveling the ground, constructing any necessary buildings, and ensuring access to utilities like water and electricity.

Equipment Installation

Install the specialized components and equipment provided by APT. This may include Shrimps tanks, biological and mechanical filters, oxygenation and aeration systems, and control systems.

Water Quality Management

1.Set up and calibrate the monitoring and control systems for water quality parameters, including temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate).
2.Test and adjust the systems to maintain optimal conditions for your shrimps.

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Water Treatment

1.Operate the water treatment systems provided by APT to maintain water quality. This typically includes mechanical and biological filtration to remove solids and convert ammonia to nitrate.
2.Implement any additional treatment methods if required, as recommended by APT.


Harvest shrimps when they reach the desired size. Use appropriate methods and equipment to minimize stress and damage to the shrimps.

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